Paige's Blog

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Page Critique March 15, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — paiger11 @ 3:52 am

Nov. 10, 2009 Hatchet issue 

The front page of the Nov. 10 issue has a problem with the order of its elements. According to page 55, the order should be photo, cutline, headline, text. However in the issue, it goes headline, photo, cutline, text. “This reliable design will work with nearly any horizontal photo, no matter how deep, wide or directional it is – as long as all four elements are stacked in the correct order. When you mishandle the sequence of elements – in this case, putting the headline above the photo- you risk confusion. In news stories, the headline should touch the start of the story.” One good thing that is page has is the clean layout of the rest of the articles, one vertical column and a horizontal story. “Vertical stories are clean and attractive…Horizontal shapes are pleasing to the eye” (49). The horizontal story’s headline does all the way across the columns, a key feature.

Page 2 of the Nov. issue appropiately places the horizontal photo, cutline, headline, and text in the right order. However the cutline is on the photo, not under it. All the other stories are horizontal which looks nice, and all the headlines go all the way across. The second story contains an “armpit,” instead of dummying it,  which is still okay. “It connects the photo more tightly to the text. On busy pages, that helps organize stories. One long, loud banncr headline call give the story more punch” (55).


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